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function get_id_from_dropdown_name

Get dropdown id from dropdown summary info identified by name. Can pass a dropdown id look up
within the corresponding dropdown summary.


dropdown_name : str
        Dropdown name to identify id for
benchling_context : BenchlingContext
        Benchling context object
        Optional positional arguments to pass to list method of benchling_sdk dropdown service
        Optional keyword arguments to pass to get_dropdown_summary_list such as dropdown_id (int)
        and arguments to pass to benchling_sdk dropdown service


        dropdown id associated with dropdown name. Raises an error if dropdown id is not found

function get_dropdown_summary_list

Get dropdown summary info for each page in benchling_context.conn.dropdowns.list().
A page is of the form: benchling_sdk.helpers.pagination_helpers.PageIterator


benchling_context : BenchlingContext
        Benchling context object
        Optional positional arguments to pass to list method of benchling_sdk dropdown service
dropdown_id : Optional[str]
        Optional benchling dropdown id. If none, list all dropdowns. If given, list all dropdowns of
        that id.
        Optional keyword arguments to pass to list method of benchling_sdk dropdown service


        Flattened list of dropdown summaries converted to dicts from